Copying records
14 Apr 2022When I was setting up Ruby assignment1 this week, I wanted to copy all of the exercises and specs from last quarter and associate them with the assignment for this quarter.
I came up with a pretty nice solution using .attributes
which returns a Hash of the existing attributes for a record that I can pass straight to the .create
new_assignment = Assignment.find(...)
old_assignment = Assignment.find(...)
old_assignment.exercises.each do |e|
copy = e.attributes
new_e = new_assignment.exercises.create(copy)
BUT this .attributes
includes the id
too, so this doesn’t work yet. You can exclude key/value pairs from a Hash using .except
. You can provide multiple keys at the same time as well.
new_assignment = Assignment.find(...)
old_assignment = Assignment.find(...)
old_assignment.exercises.each do |e|
copy = e.attributes.except("created_at", "updated_at", "id")
new_e = new_assignment.exercises.create(copy)
This “assignment” is a Rails app, where an “assignment” is a model, and each assignment has many exercises, and each exercise has many specs. ↩