Today I Learned Notes to self about software development

    Amending Git Commits

    So one way or another, you hecked up and now GitHub says one user authored the commit while a different user committed the commit.


    How to fix?

    The only way I know is to amend or rebase, which will change commit Hashes and mess up other users commit History.

    If you don’t care about that, proceed.

    Change Committer

    Pass GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL and GIT_COMMITTER_NAME to amend with email and GitHub username respectively. GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=joemama git commit --amend --no-edit

    Change Author

    Pass GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL and GIT_AUTHOR_NAME to amend with email and namerespectively. GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=joemama git commit --amend --no-edit

    You can always find out the name by running git show ... on the commit that they made:

    commit b65f3160e773ff2a18cc6e4993c278d50cedea94
    Author: Joe Mama <>
    Date:   Thu Mar 2 11:55:40 2023 -0600
        Joe Mama's commit message 😎

    Change Date

    Useful if you editing several commits at once and want the origninal dates to not get updated to the current time.

    Prepend GIT_COMMITTER_DATE env variable to your git ammend --no-edit command

    GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="Wed Mar 29 20:32:01 2023 -0600" git commit --amend --no-edit --date="Wed Mar 29 20:32 2023 -0600"

    --date will set the author date, which should also be the same as the committer date.

    Amending a commit that’s not the most recent commit

    You’ll need to rebase, git rebase -i HEAD~3 to edit the third most recent commit.

    pick 93ef79f Dynamically resize textarea
    pick cca2dd2 Display full titles on menu link hover
    pick a372bc3 Use JS autosize for query field

    You’ll want to choose edit for the commit you want to amend.

    Note, if you only amend the author or committer for a past commit, all dates will be updated to current time.

    If you want to keep the existing dates for these commits, it’s helpful to keep another Terminal tab open with the current git log and choose edit for each commit. Amend the author or committer for the desired commit and edit the date for the rest to be what the were before.