Today I Learned Notes to self about software development

    Rails Rollback to Specific Migration

    Occassionally, when working on an app with a lot of active branches that affect the database I run into an issue where I can’t rollback.

    I’ll get an error like this:

    rails aborted! ActiveRecord::UnknownMigrationVersionError:

    No migration with version number 20230620205505.

    This usually happens when I switch to another branch and I want to rollback a change I made to update/remove the migration. I assume the migration referenced in database doesn’t exist on the current branch.

    If this happens, you can roll back to the last migration on the branch with:

    rails db:migrate:down VERSION=n

    where n is the timestamp from the latest migration (something like 20230607135355).

    This is only applicable for non-sqlite3 databases, since the database doesn’t live in the project directory.