Today I Learned Notes to self about software development

    Git Bisect

    Binary search through your git log to find where you hecked up and introduced a bug.

    This command saved my life. I was trying to debug a really silly error that I couldn’t debug with error messages because the issue happened because a method was added to a core class and the stacktrace was not helpful. git bisect was the ONLY thing that worked.

    Video I watched:


    git bisect start
    git bisect bad          # marks current commit doesn't work
    git bisect good d0bf3f6 # specify latest commit that *does* work
    # for each commit given, mark bad or good with
    git bisect bad
    git bisect good
    # when done,
    git bisect reset

    Aside: embed videos in markdown with:

    Bootstrap Modal with Dynamic Content

    For context, I was working on a feature to to allow users to preview the associated thread (in a modal) of each notification from the notifications index page. While the notifications were paginated, the post threads could be very large. The naive approach of just having a modal for each notification was very ineffecient when threads were large and made the page load slow.

    To increase the performace, I wanted to render just one modal and have the content change depending on which notification was clicked.

    This was a little tricky to get timings right for when and what content to load, but this article helped me a lot.

    Eventually I added an auto-scroll to the exact part of the thread that was related to the notification to.

    Truncate HTML without cutting off HTML tags

    I ran into an issue trying to truncate a users post in a notification email. Posts can contain markdown and thus HTML so it was difficult to style the truncated text because if the post contained HTML I could cut off a closing tag which would mess up the formatting of the rest of the email.

    I wanted a way to truncate just the text part of the String and not the HTML tags.

    The only gem I found that worked was Truncato. See this SO question.

    In the end, I created a view helper that also sanitized the HTML so I could create an “allowlist” of tags that I could keep in the output. Truncato has effectively a “denylist” option, but it felt like that could get too large.

    It looked like this:

    def truncated_sanitized_html(html, **options)
      sanitized_html  = sanitize(html, tags: options[:tags])
      Truncato.truncate(sanitized_html, max_length: options[:max_length]).html_safe
    truncated_sanitized_html(post.to_html, tags: %w(p div span code table td tbody tr pre), max_length: 1000)

    Skip Git Commit Hooks

    Occasionally I find myself in situations where I want to make a commit, but I don’t want git commit hooks to run because it will format the code and I don’t want it to.

    (I plan to eventually format the code, but sometimes, especially when the commit is a work in progress, I don’t want to format anything since I haven’t solidified what I want to do yet)

    The easiest way to do this is to use the --no-verify flag.

    git commit -m "WIP" --no-verify


    Ruby Array Intersection

    TIL you can find the intersection of two Arrays easily with &.

    a = [18, 22, 33, 4, 5, 6]
    b = [5, 4, 22, 1, 88, 9]
    c = [18, 22, 33, 40, 50, 6]
    # a intersecting b
    puts "intersection of a and b : #{a & b}\n\n"
    # => intersection of a and b : [22, 4, 5]
    # a intersecting c
    puts "intersection of a and c : #{a & c}\n\n"
    # =>intersection of a and c : [18, 22, 33, 6]
    # b intersecting c
    puts "intersection of b and c : #{b & c}\n\n"
    # => intersection of b and c : [22]
