19 Oct 2022
I ran into an issue creating a printable cheatsheet with code blocks. Sometimes code blocks would get cut off on different pages, which made the cheatsheet hard to read.
I was informed that you can prevent this behavior using the CSS page-break-inside
Simply adding:
@media print {
.code-block, .row {
page-break-inside: avoid;
to my HTML prevented the page breaks from happening where I didn’t want them 🙂
13 Oct 2022
Oftentimes when I’m experimenting in a project I make a bunch of changes and then want to keep some of them (without committing) but undo the rest. I would try to stage the changes that I didn’t want and them stash them like this:
git add path/to/undesired/changes
git stash
But this would stash everything, including the changes I wanted to keep.
I tried being more specific with stash bu providing a path, but no dice.
$ git stash path/to/undesired/changes
fatal: unknown subcommand: path/to/undesired/changes
I think in an older version of Git this used to work, but I found the updated command today: git stash push _path_ --keep-index
$ git stash push path/to/undesired/changes --keep-index
Saved working directory and index state WIP on _branch_name_: 32dbc82 .
Thanks to this post.
05 Oct 2022
I rarely define methods that use them so I often forget. There are a few different ways to define keyword arguments in a method.
A method can be defined with positional arguments, keyword arguments (which are defined and called using the :
syntax) or have no arguments at all.
class Calculator
# Positional arguments
def add(num1, num2)
return num1 + num2 # Explicit return
# Keyword arguments
def multiply(num1:, num2:)
num1 * num2 # Implicit return
You can also now pass the arguments in whatever order with keyword arguments.
c = Calculator.new
c.multiply(num2: 3, num1: 9)
# => 27
Which brings us to first way to define keyword arguments, by adding the :
to the end.
Approach #1
def hello(message:)
puts "hello " + message
hello # => ArgumentError: missing keyword: message
hello(message: 'world') # => 'hello world'
You can also define default values for these keywords like this:
def hello(message: "everyone")
puts "hello " + message
hello # => 'hello everyone'
hello(message: 'world') # => 'hello everyone'
Just having the :
at the end with no default value always looked incorrect to me (which is probably why I forget about it), since it feels pretty rare for Ruby to determine the “type” of something by the ending character instead of the starting character, but it’s probably a hold over from C or something.
Approach #2
def grab_bag(**keyword_arguments)
p keyword_arguments
grab_bag(letter: "m", some_number: 31)
# => {:letter=>"m", :some_number=>31}
If you want to accept keyword arguments, in principle you should always use def foo(k: default)
or def foo(k:)
or def foo(**kwargs)
Ruby 3 Changes
In Ruby 3.0, you must explicitly specify which arguments are keywords (using the double splat) instead of relying on Ruby’s implicit last-argument-is-a-hash thing.
In Ruby 2, keyword arguments can be treated as the last positional Hash argument and a last positional Hash argument can be treated as keyword arguments.
Basically, in situations like this
def one_keyword(keyword: 1)
p keyword
hash = { keyword: 42 }
and you want to pass hash
as an argument to one_keyword
, you can’t do this anymore:
# => wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0) (ArgumentError)
In Ruby 3+ this will throw an Argument error. Now, the syntax is to pass the argument with the double splat like this:
=> 42
The other situation when you have a method with both types of arguments:
def mixed_arguments(positional, **keywords)
p positional
If positional
is supposed to be a Hash
, you have to explicitly declare it as such.
This won’t work:
mixed_arguments(word: 42)
This will work:
mixed_arguments({word: 42})
More reading
01 Sep 2022
Sometimes when you are debugging a Ruby script, you want to do more than just print variables to debug. It’d be nice to pause the program at a particular moment and actually interact with all the variables that have been defined up until that point. Turns out, you can do this by adding breakpoints to your script.
a breakpoint is an intentional stopping or pausing place in a program, put in place for debugging purposes.
— Wikipedia
Breakpoints can be added to your Ruby script using the pry
library, which is a part of the standard Ruby library, but isn’t automatically loaded. You can load the library with require "pry"
Pry basics
Let’s say we have a program like this:
list_of_people = [
{ :name => "James", :age => 16 },
{ :name => "Yolanda", :age => 26 },
{ :name => "Mel", :age => 15 }
p "Enter an age and we'll tell you if we know a person who is that old:"
age_to_find = gets.chomp
list_of_people.each do |person|
if person.fetch(:age) == age_to_find
p "Found it!"
Even when I enter an age that I know should be found, like 16
, my program doesn’t print "Found it!"
like I expect.
Using pry
, I can use binding.pry
to add a breakpoint before the if
statement so I can interact more with the variables that were created.
will pause the runtime of the program and open an IRB console
list_of_people = [
{ :name => "James", :age => 16 },
{ :name => "Yolanda", :age => 26 },
{ :name => "Mel", :age => 15 }
p "Enter an age and we'll tell you if we know a person who is that old:"
age_to_find = gets.chomp
list_of_people.each do |person|
if person.fetch(:age) == age_to_find
p "Found it!"
Now when you run the program it doesn’t complete—
You can use an IRB console to interact with the code that has run so far.
Now I can access variables like age_to_find
and person
that were defined before the breakpoint to see why the condition for my if
statement never evaluates to true
Ah, the ol’ forget-to-convert-a-String
error. Gets me everytime 🤦. Now I know to convert age_to_find
to an Integer
You can type exit
when you’re done to un-pause the programs execution.
02 May 2022
I recently was looking into how to use Ruby with AWS Lambda for *reasons*, and it took a lot of time! I finally figured out how to do it and even test locally with containers.
I already wrote a bunch of stuff up in this repository, which the README
will be updated with any nice resources I find as I continue learning.